Going on right now, so jump in if you want 3.0 before most users!
On March 25th, 2009 10:00AM PST Will start of the 2nd iPhone 3.0 Beta giveaway. Single Grain has 50 more licenses to give away and it will be on a first come first serve basis. Last time we had this giveaway we ran out of licenses in 6 hours.
The giveaway is similar to last time. Heres the details:
1. Spread the word. Post this on twitter: “Single Grain’s 50 iPhone 3.0 Beta Giveaway http://tinyurl.com/c3zxra” & blog about the giveaway
2. Email us where you blogged (URL to blog post) about it and your UDID number (Here’s how you find your UDID Number on your iPhone) And we’ll email you the link to download it. Email your information here: sj@singlegrain.com
3. Give Feedback. So once you’ve installed 3.0 OS Beta leave a comment. How do you like it? Any bugs? Any particular apps don’t work? Anything will be helpful.